“They think it’s a joke, ‘Oh, these little cheerleaders.’ ” Lacy Thibodeaux Recent accounts of life as a professional cheerleader in the NFL have been anything but glamorous. As a former Oakland Raider cheerleader explained , she was paid $125 a game at the end of the season while being expected to pay for cosmetics, expensive hair treatments, and travel costs out of pocket. Court documents from a 2009 case included a Baltimore Ravens handbook requiring cheerleaders to maintain “warm skin tones” with possible suspensions based on weight viol…
Like many others, I was profoundly affected by the images of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi found dead on a Turkish shoreline. You may see and read more about the story here and here but do note that it is highly disturbing . The migrant crisis today in Europe is massive, with 4 million Syrians having fled their homes, Aylan included. Concerning Aylan, the New York Times wrote: [I]t is not the sheer size of the catastrophe — millions upon millions forced by war and desperation to leave their homes — but a single tragedy that has clarified the m…